Facebook Dating Has Been Officially Launched In The US


Last year, we caught wind that Facebook was working on a new feature for its website called Facebook Dating. The feature was launched in a handful of markets outside of the US but if for whatever reason you really wanted to take part in this feature, you’re in luck because Facebook Dating has officially launched stateside.

According to Facebook’s announcement, “Today, we’re launching Facebook Dating in the US. We’re also giving people the ability to integrate their Instagram posts directly into their Facebook Dating profile and giving people the ability to add Instagram followers to their Secret Crush lists, in addition to Facebook friends.”

For those who are learning about the feature for the first time, basically Facebook Dating will involve the user creating a new and separate profile to their main profile. Based on your preferences, listed interests, and other things you do on Facebook, the social network will then make recommendations on people that they think you might be compatible with.

Unlike Tinder, which requires both users to mutually “like” each other before chatting, Facebook Dating will let users chat with each other regardless. There will also be a “Secret Crush” feature that will let a Facebook friend know that someone likes them. The feature should already be live so check it out if you’re interested in taking part in it.

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