8 Google Calendar Tricks You’re Probably Not Using


Google Calendar is pretty much the default app that most of us use. However, it doesn’t come with dates of certain sports or religions.

Believe it or not, quite a lot of people actively use Google Calendar for both their day-to-day and work life. After all, it comes with almost every type of smartphone out there and it can also be synchronized with your personal PC.

In fact, Google Calendar is the default calendar app for many of us, mainly due to its plethora of interesting features, ease of use, and so on. However, we can’t know everything about this particular calendar!

Therefore, in today’s article, we’ll highlight eight Google Calendar tricks that you probably don’t know about and that will definitely make your life and planning much easier!

Interest Calendars

As mentioned, Google Calendar is pretty much the default app that most of us use. However, it doesn’t come with dates of certain sports or religions, for example.

Still, everything that you need to know can be added in your own Google Calendar. The “Browse Calendars of Interest” option gives you the possibility to add any holiday, minor, or major event to your calendar.

Automatic Meetings/Appointments

If you share your Google Calendar with family or customers, then you may want to allow them to manually book appointments – without calling or bothering you.

Google Calendar can easily do this for you. When you make a new event, you can simply tap on Appointment Slots. This will block off a period in the selected day that people can use to make appointments.

Share and Embed

Speaking of sharing your plans with other people, your personal Google Calendar can be shared with all those who may need to know your schedule. Moreover, the calendar can also be easily embedded on your website!

If you run a business based on appointments, this can come in very handy when you want to automate the process.

Find Your Time

At the moment, most of us simply send invites or ask people if they’re free on a certain day. However, with this neat trick, you will always know if your friends/colleagues can attend a meeting or hangout.

You can simply add the calendars of up to 20 people in your mobile or desktop version of Google Calendar. Then, click on Find a Time and instantly compare the said calendars. This helps you find out when other people are busy or not!

Creating a New Calendar

You don’t have to fit everything that’s happening in a single calendar! Even if you achieved this with your classic paper agenda, things can get a bit too crowded when you’re busy and using Google Calendar.

As such, you can easily create an entirely new calendar – for special periods, business trips, and so on – that will not interfere with your main schedule/calendar.

Adding New Calendars

We mentioned above that you can find a time for hangouts, meetings, and conferences if you compare multiple calendars. This trick can be applied when you simply want to be aware of other people’s schedule as well.

If you are provided with access, you can simply add other calendars into your own – they will show up as a different layer and will be located under Other Calendars.

Using Tasks

The already-neat Google Calendar can also work as a planner, where you can add various tasks that can be marked as completed as well. On the right side of the interface, there’s a white pencil on a blue background button. That’s the Tasks menu.

With it, you can better organize events, projects, and so on – and also click complete once you’re done with them.

Personal Assistant

In movies, when business people arrive to their office, an assistant greets them with detailed information for that particular day – naming events, meetings, and so on.

Google Calendar can be a virtual personal assistant as well!

Under the app’s settings, you’ll find the General Notifications tab. Here, you can find the Daily Agenda function, which allows the calendar to send you e-mails, every day at five in the morning, with a detailed report on your schedule for that particular day.

The Bottom Line

Even though more than 500 million people use Google Calendar, the majority of them don’t actually add personal events, meetings, or plans to it. They use it as a classic calendar!

However, if you pair the common features of this neat software with the tricks we mentioned above, you’ll not only feel like a businessman or woman but you’ll also have a more confident grasp on your daily life, plans, and tasks!

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