Why should tablets be used in schools?


Almost all kids learn the best when they interact with their learning tools. A touchscreen on a tablet is perfect for kids because it keeps them engaged with the task at hand. Whether it’s drawing, mathematical problems or science, they will learn more (and at a faster rate,) than when they use textbooks

Easy to use

Those preoccupied with the technology challenge have to admit tablets are way more intuitive and easier to use than desktop and laptop computers, or even paper books. I mean, toddlers can use tablets. Textbooks seem to be losing the battle on all fronts.

Direct Communication

Tablets connect all major stakeholders: students, parents and teachers. Handwritten notes or tasks can be lost in no time, intentionally or accidentally. This never happens with digital data: any feedback including criticism, kudos or concern, is out there for further reference. The ‘forgetfulness’ factor doesn’t fly any more. Neither for students – nor teachers.

Live knowledge base

The instructor can quickly deliver engaging material to the students in real time in just a couple clicks. Sorry, a couple taps! Furthermore, students can use recommended resources to do their homework. Tablets give students instant access to individual research, a tremendous knowledge base available at their fingertips.

Personal approach

As an instructor, you have to address a multitude of learning styles since not all students are equal. Some are slow runners, others are sprinters. Pace differs, interests differ as well. The teacher can use the e-Learning arsenal to overcome this barrier and deliver the same course in different ways. For example, show videos or invite students to play edu games.

The tablet also accommodates special needs. Learners who have a disability will appreciate the tablet’s flexibility, freedom of access and tailored curriculums.

More cost-effective than textbooks

When you get right down to it, in the mid- to long-term perspective, the tablet is, in fact, a really smart investment. If pays off well when you get the burden of supporting obsolete infrastructure off your shoulders. No dust, no price hikes, no surprises from textbook providers, no storage and damage issues. Full scalability and lightweight backpack that fits thousands of textbooks in a single device.

Faster visualization, quicker reporting

The tablet is a great incentive for cultivating scientific skills. For instance, students can document their field trips right away, be it camping, going to the zoo or a museum. It’s not just taking pictures, students can make use of interactive maps or facility-specific content available on smartphones and tablets.

Improving computer skills. Boosting creativity

Like it or not, computers rule the world, so it’s vital to learn how to rule computers from elementary school onwards. Besides, the convenient tablet format encourages creativity – draw, compose music or make films with no extra tools required. That’s how students become a creative force rather than passive knowledge recipients.

Hassle-free assessment

And yes, teachers gain a lot, too! Easier student assessment and classroom management, finding unique teaching approaches and reinventing gamification for new purposes – it’s all there, just one touch away. At last, the instructors are empowered with technology that spares them from tedious grading and provides more time for teaching!

Paperless homework

Some tech-savvy institutions have already adopted the system where students turn in their papers in a strictly digital format. Paper is no longer an option. Too ‘green’ for your taste? Might be, but this is definitely a direction many colleges are headed. Paperless innovation is the new buzzword. No more ink and notepads. It’s all digital, eliminating the paper and helping the environment.

Learning simulations

It might be too risky and costly to fly a jet or spaceship in a test mode, yet simulations give you the right feeling and some of the required skills. Pilots, soldiers, and surgeons have been using simulation games for an eternity. Now they are available on tablet devices. Playing is not all about distraction and procrastination, games can really inspire creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

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