Ambitious Indie Game ‘Moon Mystery’ Arrives in 2023


A new indie game called Moon Mystery has been revealed today and it looks like an ambitious project that features FPS elements, puzzles, and a story that will take you to the stars.

As highlighted on Reddit, Moon Mystery puts you in the shoes of an astronaut on the moon (natch). While that’s the start of your journey, it will be far from the end — check out the trailer to see all of the interesting gameplay and locations in the works:

Strictly speaking, the game lists the following features on its Steam page:

• conversations with moon station AI
• solving puzzles
• driving moon rover
• controlling RC car
• fighting with robots
• platforming elements
• and more

The above trailer, however, shows a whole lot more. First and foremost, it looks like you might be traveling to places other than the moon. Several scenes are shown on other worlds that are apparently connected through some kind of portal system. You’ll also go underwater with a submarine and fly into space with a ship at some point. Of course, there will be a moon rover, too — you gotta have a moon rover in a game set on the moon. It’s a rule.

Something strange is happening on the moon. Your only companion will be the AI of the moon station; you’ll have to build a relationship with her and figure out the mystery together. There will also be some degree of combat against robots and a fair few puzzles, too.

When is the Moon Mystery Release Date?

The Moon Mystery release date will be sometime in 2023. The Steam API release date lists March 15, 2023, as the launch date on SteamDB, but that was last updated 2 months ago and it’s far enough away that that could change.

It’s hard to figure out exactly what’s going on with this game — for example, the player is shown driving what looks to be a totally normal car in a forest at one point in the trailer. If you’re interested in seeing where this goes as much as I am, you can add Moon Mystery to your wishlist on Steam.

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