Windows 10 updates continue giving users headaches


Things don’t look to good for a company that’s supposedly cleaning up its update act. Microsoft has stated that it’s taking a break from making big feature changes this year to give way to fixing bugs and polishing features. But if these two successive cumulative updates are any indication, the company might be a long way from regaining users’ trust in updates that won’t break things as much as they fix them.

The cumulative update under the name KB4512941 was supposed to bring improvements to the current Windows 10 1903 version. Instead, it has brought two major problems to those updating to the latest set of patches. One is that Cortana has reportedly started using up an abnormal amount of CPU. The second problem has reportedly rendered the Windows 10 Search bar useless.

Microsoft later released the KB4515384 update to address those issues and may have succeeded in doing that. Unfortunately, it also seems to have introduced new bugs that may be even worse than what it fixed. In other words, a typical Windows 10 update experience.

Some users have reported that installing this latest update will break networking features on Windows 10 PCs. It supposedly disables both Wi-Fi and even Ethernet connectivity and no amount of reinstalling drivers fixes it. The only way to get networking, and, therefore, Internet access, is to roll back the particular update in question. Considering the first problematic update, users are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

These two are just the latest in a string of updates that cause users problems while promising and, to be fair, delivering fixes to other problems. It has almost become a common occurrence but shouldn’t be a reason to let the status quo remain. More than just spending a whole release to polish, Microsoft needs to also clean up its update development and testing process.

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