Rage 2 : New and Funny Trailer with Cyborgs and Ninja-Samurai


Bethesda has released yet another trailer for Rage 2, due out next month. The latest video details the many enemies you face, as well as the harsh landscape you’re forced to survive in.

The trailer, aptly titled ‘Everything vs. Me,’ is an action-packed glimpse at menacing cyborgs, stealthy samurai, redneck mechs, and familiar goons. There’s a whole host of environmental dangers to look out for too, including exploding barrels, precarious cliff edges and (potentially, at least) buffalo. Poor thing. You can check out the full trailer above.

As the release date of May 14 gets ever closer, Rage 2 isn’t pulling any punches with its onslaught of trailers. Weapons and abilities were detailed just a day ago and we got a look at some extended gameplay the day before that. If you’re looking for more trailers, we’ve gathered everything we know about Rage 2 into one handy article.

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